Basic information about MAVEN


     Maven is used to manage the dependencies and we can say this as build tool – which means it is used to setup everything which is required to run your java code independently.  This can be applied to your entire java project.

    It generated source code, compiling code, packaging code to a jar etc.  Maven provides pom.xml which is the core to any project.

Create new variable in system through environment variable – MAVEN_HOME – PATH WHERE YOU STORED AND PATH OF THE BIN FOLDER PATH




Navigate to help – Eclipse Marketplace – Search Maven – Maven Integration for Eclipse – INSTALL.  Once you installed then restart eclipse. Then right click on pom.xml and verify the option like Maven build, Maven clean, Maven install and Maven Test etc.


Maven will download all the dependency jars in to local repository called .m2.  M2 folder is basically inside Users – username – m2.  All the jars will be placed in a folder called repository which is inside .me folder.  Maven will create separate folders for different version and different group id.


Group ID              :               Will identify your project uniquely across all projects.

Artifact ID            :               Name of the jar without version or project name

Version                :               0.0.1 SNAPSHOT by default.


  • Page Object Model is a design pattern to create Object Repository for web UI elements.
  • Under this model, for each web page in the application, there should be corresponding page class.
  • This Page class will find the Web Elements of that web page and also contains Page methods which perform operations on those Web Elements.
  • Name of these methods should be given as per the task they are performing.


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